8 June 2023

The sun has been shining most of the time so we have been out in our jeep and on safari!
The children have been learning about the Masai Mara people and the animals that can be seen in Kenya and Tanzania. The children have compared their lives with that of a little African girl.
The children have enjoyed drawing and making wild animals.
They have studied the African elephant.
In maths we have been playing lots of track games as well as grouping odd and even numbers.
The children drew a map of the local area based on last terms journey to the church.
Today we reminded ourselves about keeping safe in the sun. Please can you remember to apply sun cream to your child before school and send in hats and water bottles.
This term we will be looking at the ocean. Please can you send your child in with a shoe box and any kitchen roll tubes.
Have a lovely weekend
Class 1 summer 2 Week 1
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1