18 January 2024

This week, in Class 3, we have been using drama to help us write dialogue. We practised writing sentences which used inverted commas to show speech. Then to describe the action part of our story ‘Monster Slayer’ we used prepositional phrases to up level our writing. In Maths, Year 4 have been multiplying and dividing 2 and 3 digits by a 1-digit number. We used place value charts, part whole models and the formal written method to help us. Year 3 have been multiplying numbers by 10 and used related to facts to answer multiplication questions. In History, we researched facts about the Sutton Hoo excavation and looked at pictures of primary sources to deduce information about what sort of person was buried there. In RE, we explored how and why the disciples chose to follow Jesus. We reflected on what it would be like if we were asked to give up everything and follow Jesus.
Overall, another fantastic week full of learning! Well done Class 3.
Class 3 S 1 Week 2
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3