1 March 2024

The highlight of our week has been the outdoor learning day to St Mary’s, we had lots of fun! We were split into five groups with the children from St Mary’s and had a go at Five different activities, all outside. We went over to St Mary’s church where we looked out for signs of Easter and then went to the graveyard, using our mathematical skills to look at the dates on the headstones. Using our mathematical skills again, we covered the topic of mass and capacity to make potions. We loved going up to the playground at the Village Hall to explore the playground equipment for our D and T work. We even got to have a little play too! Focussing upon our RE topic of Easter, we used twigs and leaves to make Easter crosses and one big crown of thorns, discussing the significance of them. We also used leaves, twigs and anything else we could find to recreate our own Great Fire of London pictures. We went home happy, tired and very muddy!
Posted by lderry
Category: Class 2