6 June 2024

Image of Class 1 summer 2 Week 1

This week we began our topic ‘On Safari’ which the children are very enthusiastic about! They have enjoyed making a safari jeep and travelling to Kenya to see the wildlife. We have seen what animals live there. The children have enjoyed learning about the chimpanzee in detail. Our enhanced provision has included animal role play, play dough modelling, animal skin matching and playing with the safari tuff tray activity. Some of the children have enjoyed setting up a travel agents.

The children have also started learning about the oceans. We will learn more about our oceans later in the term.

Today we had a lovely time at The Howard school. The children collected leaves and used crayons to make leaf rubbings. They made paint brushes out of natural materials. They also went on a minibeast hunt.

I am looking forward to taking the reception children to Twycross Zoo on Monday. Please remember to put plenty of sun cream on your child and provide them with a sun hat, a drink of water and a packed lunch.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Class 1 summer 2 Week 1 2024



Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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