25 October 2024

This week, in Class 3, we have written a newspaper article which informs readers about Howard Carter’s incredible historical find. We worked hard to include formal language, the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when and why), quotes and a range of sentence starters. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting numbers using the column method. When subtracting, we must remember to place the greater number on the top. In DT, we explored what components create an electrical circuit. We then made our own switches using materials which conduct electricity such as split pins, foil and paper clips. After that, with our learning partners, we planned and created an aesthetic canvas light using LED lights. Another great week. Enjoy a well earnt rest this half term Class 3 and I look forward to seeing you back in school after your break.
Cl3 Aut 1 wk 8
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3