14 November 2024

What a busy week we've had in Class 3! We started the week by attending the Remembrance service, remembering those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. It was a solemn and important occasion. On Tuesday, we had a fantastic day out at the Howard School! We took part in lots of fun activities that helped us learn to work together as a team. Back in the classroom, we've been busy with Maths and English. In Maths, we've been learning to estimate answers by rounding numbers. In English, we've been on a big adventure! We transformed our classroom into a steam train, complete with sounds and pictures. We've also been using descriptive language to imagine the exciting places that Phileas Fogg and Passepartout visited. In Geography, we researched continents and created our own YouTube videos to teach others about physical and human geography.
Overall, it's been a great week!
A2 Class 3 Wk 2
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3