16 January 2025

Image of Class 1 Spring 1 Week 2

Class 1 spring 1 week 2

We have learnt about Antarctica this week. The children learnt facts about penguins, wrote sentences and made a penguin model.

In maths, preschool focused on 1,2 and 3 while reception focused on counting on using a number line.

We also focused on the number zero and talked about how important it is.

In science the children enjoyed experimenting with layers of clothes, relating this to animals who have a layer of blubber under their skin to keep them warm!

In music the children made winter graphic scores and used percussion instruments to play them.

In monster-phonics the reception children have learnt ch, sh, th and ng. These are very tricky sounds to say and we will continue to recall these daily over the next few weeks.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Please continue to send in snack money. This enables us to replace resources such as playdough or baking ingredients. 

Posted by S Parkes

Category: Class 1

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