16 January 2025
This week, in Class 3, we have been finding factors in Maths using our multiplication knowledge. Using place value charts, we have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. In English, we have been learning about the Roman myth ‘Oedipus and the Sphinx’. First we made predictions about the story using our inference skills. After that, we wrote an agony aunt letter as if we are the citizens of Thebes and need help to defeat the evil sphinx. In History, we have started our Roman topic. We explored all the reasons why Emperor Claudius wanted to invade Britain. In PE, our topics this term are dance and gymnastics. In dance, we followed clear steps to create a dance routine and in gymnastics we practised holding 3 point balances. Another great week, well done Class 3!
Spring 1 Wk 2 Class 3
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3