23 January 2025

Image of Class 4 Week 3 Spring 1

Another week seems to have flown by! This week we have edited and published our letters to parliament regarding greenhouse gases and water pollution. These will be sent to London in the near future. In Maths, we have become increasingly fluent with long division. Becoming competent to deal with more challenging numbers and calulations that result in remainders. 

Within our Science lessons, we have used collected data around pulses to create bar charts with which we made conclusions and comparisions. Samba drumming inspired many in our new topic for Music. We learnt that the repinique player typically leads the samba drumming ensemble, also known as a "bateria."

Our Year 6 continued with their preperations for SATs by attending booster sessions and revising their skills. Year 5 have been developing their expertise on Tinkercad, becoming fluent with the tools and additonal features.


2025 Class 4 Spring 1 Week 3

Posted by John Frame

Category: Class 4

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