30 January 2025

Class 1 spring 1 Week 4 2025
We have continued with our topic on space this week! The children have loved our enhanced provision. We hope you enjoy looking at the photographs.
Cool Blue oo has featured heavily this week in our writing about space!
A little trickier has been the sound ‘ar’!
In EAD the children have made space music and space masks.
The preschool children have been focusing on oracy… making sure they sit still and look at the person who is talking. They have been practising speaking up and clearly in full sentences. I am very pleased with how they are improving.
In maths the preschool children have focused on patterns and reception, capacity.
The children had a fantastic afternoon today doing fitness activities with Olympic medalist Joel Fearon. He told a powerful message about being brave when life feels hard!
Next week we move on, looking at how the Chinese celebrate New Year.
Have a restful weekend!
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1