6 February 2025

Class 3's Whirlwind Week of Wonder!
Wow, what a week it's been in Class 3! We've dived headfirst into a brand new English topic, exploring the magical world of Kit Wright's "The Magic Box" poem. We've become poetry detectives, uncovering hidden treasures like alliteration, onomatopoeia, similes, and metaphors. Our imaginations are exploding with creative ideas!
In Maths, we've become division dynamos! Year 3 mastered place value charts to conquer dividing up to 3-digit numbers, while Year 4 zoomed ahead with the bus stop method, tackling even trickier 3-digit divisions with exchanges and remainders.
Our Science topic has us all ears – literally! We've embarked on a sound safari, discovering how sounds are made through vibrations. We became scientists ourselves, making careful observations during a carousel of exciting activities. Our string telephone experiment put our theories to the test, exploring how the length of a string affects the volume of sound.
On Thursday, we embarked on a special journey during our whole school Spirituality Day. We explored what spirituality means to us through a variety of thoughtful and engaging activities.
On Friday, we loved meeting our French correspondents over GoogleMeet. We spoke confidently using their French knowledge to introduce ourselves. We learnt the different subjects that the children in the French school do on a Friday, noticed their "casual" French clothes as there is no school uniform in France and we showed them our beautiful school uniform. I was so impressed with the wonderful behaviour and confidence shown in class 3.
What a fantastic, action-packed week! A huge well done to all of Class 3 – you've been superstars!
S1 Week 5 Class 3
Posted by ahylton
Category: Class 3