6 March 2025

Class 1 spring 2 Week 2 2025
This week we have continued with the topic ‘mini beasts’.
This involved baking cup cakes to make a hungry caterpillar, going on a mini-beast hunt and making dragonflies and grasshoppers.
On Tuesday the children took part in a pancake flipping competition and we read Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. We had lots of fun trying to flip the pancake!
In PSED the children listened to a story ‘Don’t Be Bossy!’ This led us on to discuss how being bossy makes others feel and led to understanding that good friends take turns and share!
It was lovely to see the children on their mini-beast hunt. There was great excitement!
Next week the children will be learning about the importance of worms before moving on to study the life cycle of a frog.
Posted by S Parkes
Category: Class 1